Okey Rummy icon

Okey Rummy Achievements

Unlock all 7 achievements

Okey is popular Turkish game of the Rummy family ( known as Rummikub ) played with a set of 106 tile...

Hand Winner

Hand Winner

Win a hand for the first time.

40% unlocked 5 points
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Win a hand for the first time by discarding a joker.

21% unlocked 10 points
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Seven Pairs

Seven Pairs

Win a hand with seven pairs for the first time.

1% unlocked 15 points
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Game Winner

Game Winner

Win a game for the first time.

29% unlocked 20 points
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Win 10 games

Win 10 games

Win 10 games

10% unlocked 40 points
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Win 3 hands in a row

Win 3 hands in a row

Win 3 hands in a row

19% unlocked 30 points
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Seven Pairs with Joker

Seven Pairs with Joker

Win a hand with seven pairs by discarding joker for the first time.

<1% unlocked 25 points
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