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Fish Hunter Achievements

Unlock all 5 achievements

Fish hunter is bonus games with superb 3D graphics for various ocean features, attractive to any pla...

Task 1

Task 1

Catch 60 orange-white fishes.

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Task 2

Task 2

Catch 30 white-red fishes.

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Task 3

Task 3

Use a shock item and catch a green jelly-fish.

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Task 4

Task 4

Catch 40 yellow-black fishes and use a bait item.

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Task 5

Task 5

Use a bomb item and catch a mermaid.

<1% unlocked 5 points
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