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Air Safety World Achievements

Unlock all 30 achievements

From the creators of “Prepare for Impact”, in the context of an international aviation safety projec...

Safety Junior

Safety Junior

Attend 5 Safety Coach briefings

31% unlocked 5 points
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Safety Senior

Safety Senior

Attend 25 Safety Coach briefings

7% unlocked 20 points
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Safety Master

Safety Master

Attend 100 Safety Coach briefings

<1% unlocked 50 points
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Training Master

Training Master

Attend every type of Safety Coach briefing, completing the trials quickly and correctly

11% unlocked 5 points
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Exit Master

Exit Master

Attend the Safety Coach briefings about exit positions for 15 different aircraft, completing the tri...

2% unlocked 20 points
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Door Master

Door Master

Attend the Safety Coach briefings about door opening for 15 different aircraft, completing the trial...

<1% unlocked 50 points
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Junior Ninja

Junior Ninja

Open 50 doors in Door Ninja

25% unlocked 5 points
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Senior Ninja

Senior Ninja

Open 500 doors in Door Ninja

7% unlocked 20 points
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Master Ninja

Master Ninja

Open 5,000 doors in Door Ninja

<1% unlocked 50 points
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Escape Helper

Escape Helper

Correct 200 passengers in Plane Escape

3% unlocked 5 points
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Escape Manager

Escape Manager

Correct 2,000 passengers in Plane Escape

<1% unlocked 20 points
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Escape Master

Escape Master

Correct 20,000 passengers in Plane Escape

<1% unlocked 50 points
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Junior Launcher

Junior Launcher

Wake up 300 passengers in Launch Vest

2% unlocked 5 points
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Senior Launcher

Senior Launcher

Wake up 3,000 passengers in Launch Vest

<1% unlocked 20 points
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Master Launcher

Master Launcher

Wake up 30,000 passengers in Launch Vest

<1% unlocked 50 points
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Star of the Land

Star of the Land

Get at least 1 star in all levels of AirEvac: Land

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Double Star of the Land

Double Star of the Land

Get at least 2 stars in all levels of AirEvac: Land

<1% unlocked 20 points
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Triple Star of the Land

Triple Star of the Land

Get 3 stars in all levels of AirEvac: Land

<1% unlocked 50 points
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Star of the Sea

Star of the Sea

Get at least 1 star in all levels of AirEvac: Sea

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Double Star of the Sea

Double Star of the Sea

Get at least 2 stars in all levels of AirEvac: Sea

<1% unlocked 20 points
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Triple Star of the Sea

Triple Star of the Sea

Get 3 stars in all levels of AirEvac: Sea

<1% unlocked 50 points
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Fleet Founder

Fleet Founder

Have at least 5 aircraft in Your Fleet

16% unlocked 5 points
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Fleet Captain

Fleet Captain

Have at least 15 aircraft in Your Fleet

7% unlocked 20 points
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Fleet Master

Fleet Master

Have 25 aircraft in Your Fleet

4% unlocked 50 points
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Regional Airline

Regional Airline

Make your fleet travel 10,000 miles

11% unlocked 5 points
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Continental Airline

Continental Airline

Make your fleet travel 50,000 miles

6% unlocked 20 points
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World Airline

World Airline

Make your fleet travel 200,000 miles

2% unlocked 50 points
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New Carrier

New Carrier

Make your fleet carry 1,500 passengers

11% unlocked 5 points
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Fast-growing Carrier

Fast-growing Carrier

Make your fleet carry 6,000 passengers

5% unlocked 20 points
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Top Carrier

Top Carrier

Make your fleet carry 20,000 passengers

2% unlocked 50 points
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