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Hands On English Achievements

Unlock all 22 achievements

Стрелялка и обучение базовому английскому языку. Упражнения на времена и глаголы. Революционный под...

Beginner simple positive

Beginner simple positive

You know how to construct positive sentences in the present tense in a simple (indefinite) form

<1% unlocked 25 points
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Master simple positive

Master simple positive

You know how to build positive sentences in the present and past tenses in a simple (indefinite) for...

<1% unlocked 40 points
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Ace simple positive

Ace simple positive

You know how to build positive sentences in the present, past and future tenses in a simple (indefin...

<1% unlocked 60 points
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Beginner simple question

Beginner simple question

You know how to ask questions in the present tense in a simple (indefinite) form

<1% unlocked 25 points
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Master simple question

Master simple question

You know how to ask questions in the present and past tenses in a simple (indefinite) form

<1% unlocked 40 points
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Ace simple question

Ace simple question

You know how to ask questions in the present, past and future tenses in a simple (indefinite) form

<1% unlocked 60 points
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Beginner simple negative

Beginner simple negative

You know how to point to negation in the present tense in a simple (indefinite) form

<1% unlocked 25 points
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Master simple negative

Master simple negative

You know how to point to negation in the present and past tense in a simple (indefinite) form

<1% unlocked 40 points
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Ace simple negative

Ace simple negative

You know how to point to negation in the present, past and future times in a simple (indefinite) for...

<1% unlocked 60 points
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Simple tense learned

Simple tense learned

Simple tense learned

<1% unlocked 100 points
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Beginner invulnerability

Beginner invulnerability

You have passed the level without any damage gained

<1% unlocked 50 points
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Master invulnerability

Master invulnerability

You have passed three level without any damage gained

<1% unlocked 40 points
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Ace invulnerability

Ace invulnerability

You have passed all levels without any damage gained

<1% unlocked 60 points
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1 level coins

1 level coins

You have collected all the coins in one level of the game

<1% unlocked 25 points
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3 levels coins

3 levels coins

You have collected all the coins in three level of the game

<1% unlocked 40 points
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All levels coins

All levels coins

You have collected all the coins in all levels of the game

<1% unlocked 60 points
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1 level words

1 level words

You have gathered all the words in one level of the game

<1% unlocked 25 points
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3 levels words

3 levels words

You have gathered all the words in three levels of the game

<1% unlocked 40 points
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All levels words

All levels words

You have gathered all the words in all levels of the game

<1% unlocked 60 points
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Bridges Beginner

Bridges Beginner

You have never made a mistake in the construction of sentences in one level

<1% unlocked 25 points
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Bridges Master

Bridges Master

You have never made a mistake in the construction of sentences in three levels

<1% unlocked 40 points
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Bridges Ace

Bridges Ace

You have never made a mistake in the construction of sentences in all levels

<1% unlocked 60 points
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