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Rummy Three Card Poker Achievements

Unlock all 11 achievements

Vegas Three Card Rummy is a fun poker variation that combines elements of the popular card game Gin...

Win 50 Hands

Win 50 Hands

Win 50 hands

6% unlocked 10 points
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Win 100 Hands

Win 100 Hands

Win 100 hands

3% unlocked 25 points
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Win 250 Hands

Win 250 Hands

Win 250 hands

1% unlocked 50 points
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Win 500 Hands

Win 500 Hands

Win 500 hands

<1% unlocked 75 points
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Win 1,000 Hands

Win 1,000 Hands

Win 1,000 hands

<1% unlocked 100 points
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Beat the Dealer - Between 7 & 10

Beat the Dealer - Between 7 & 10

Win a hand when the dealer's hand is worth between 7 & 10

29% unlocked 25 points
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Beat the Dealer - Between 4 & 6

Beat the Dealer - Between 4 & 6

Win a hand when the dealer's hand is worth between 4 & 6

10% unlocked 50 points
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3 of a Kind

3 of a Kind

Win a hand with 3 of a kind

5% unlocked 75 points
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3 Card Suited Run

3 Card Suited Run

Win a hand with a 3 card suited run

5% unlocked 75 points
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Beat the Dealer - Under 3

Beat the Dealer - Under 3

Win a hand when the dealer's hand is worth 3 or less

3% unlocked 100 points
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A-2-3 Suited Run

A-2-3 Suited Run

Win a hand with an A-2-3 suited run

<1% unlocked 100 points
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