Tarneeb 41 icon

Tarneeb 41 Achievements

Unlock all 16 achievements

Tarneeb 41 is a Cards game; the main idea of this game is to estimate and try to match your estimate...

Clubs Ace

Clubs Ace

You are becoming the Ace of Clubs

<1% unlocked 100 points
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Diamonds Ace

Diamonds Ace

You are becoming the Ace of Diamonds

<1% unlocked 100 points
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Spades Ace

Spades Ace

You are becoming the Ace of Spades

<1% unlocked 100 points
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Hearts Ace

Hearts Ace

You are becoming the Ace of Hearts

<1% unlocked 100 points
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Clubs Jack

Clubs Jack

You are just a Starter

3% unlocked 25 points
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Diamonds Jack

Diamonds Jack

You are becoming Jack of Diamonds

2% unlocked 25 points
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Spades Jack

Spades Jack

You are becoming the Jack of Spades

2% unlocked 25 points
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Hearts Jack

Hearts Jack

You are becoming the Jack of Hearts

<1% unlocked 25 points
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Clubs Queen

Clubs Queen

You are becoming the Queen of Clubs

1% unlocked 50 points
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Diamonds Queen

Diamonds Queen

You are becoming the Queen of Diamonds

<1% unlocked 50 points
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Spades Queen

Spades Queen

You are becoming the Queen of Spades

<1% unlocked 50 points
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Hearts Queen

Hearts Queen

You are becoming the Queen of Hearts

<1% unlocked 50 points
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Clubs King

Clubs King

You are becoming the King of Clubs

<1% unlocked 75 points
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Diamonds King

Diamonds King

You are becoming the King of Diamonds

<1% unlocked 75 points
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Spades King

Spades King

You are becoming the King of Spades

<1% unlocked 75 points
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Hearts King

Hearts King

You are becoming the King of Hearts

<1% unlocked 75 points
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