Baccarat 88 icon

Baccarat 88 Achievements

Unlock all 8 achievements

Baccarat is the casino card game for high rollers. Baccarat 88 has big beautiful cards and quick res...

Baccarat 88 5 Hands

Baccarat 88 5 Hands

Win 5 hands in a row.

42% unlocked 100 points
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Baccarat 88 10 Hands

Baccarat 88 10 Hands

Win 10 hands in a row.

27% unlocked 100 points
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25 Hands

25 Hands

Win 25 hands in a row.

11% unlocked 100 points
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50 Hands

50 Hands

Win 50 hands in a row.

4% unlocked 100 points
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Free Chips

Free Chips

Earn free chips

38% unlocked 50 points
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Buy Chips

Buy Chips

Buy chips

3% unlocked 100 points
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Play an hour

Play an hour

Play for an hour

36% unlocked 75 points
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Play two hours

Play two hours

Play for two hours

36% unlocked 100 points
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