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2248 Achievements

Unlock all 42 achievements

Introducing Block Puzzle-2248 Number Match: A sleek and thought-provoking game designed to stimulate...

Block Breaker

Block Breaker

Approach 256 blocks with determination.

44% unlocked 1 points
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Puzzle Maestro

Puzzle Maestro

Edge closer to 512 blocks, the puzzle awaits.

52% unlocked 1 points
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Number Ninja

Number Ninja

Crack the code to 1,024 blocks, the challenge grows.

51% unlocked 1 points
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Block Wizard

Block Wizard

Unravel the magic of 2,048 blocks, the wizardry beckons.

43% unlocked 1 points
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Block Breakthrough

Block Breakthrough

Ascend to 4,096 blocks, the breakthrough is near.

39% unlocked 1 points
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Block Challenger

Block Challenger

Embrace the challenge of 8,192 blocks, the test begins.

34% unlocked 1 points
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Block Conqueror

Block Conqueror

Aim for 16K blocks, conquer the board.

29% unlocked 1 points
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Block Legend

Block Legend

Seek the legend within 33K blocks, your journey unfolds.

24% unlocked 1 points
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Block Grandmaster

Block Grandmaster

Master 66K blocks, the grand challenge awaits.

2% unlocked 1 points
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Block Genius

Block Genius

Unleash your genius on 131K blocks, the pinnacle approaches.

14% unlocked 1 points
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The Block Voyager

The Block Voyager

Set your sights on 262K unlocked blocks.

11% unlocked 1 points
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Path to Infinity

Path to Infinity

Walk the path towards 524K blocks.

8% unlocked 1 points
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Millionaire Miner

Millionaire Miner

Dig your way to 1M unlocked blocks.

6% unlocked 1 points
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Master of the Two's

Master of the Two's

Embrace the power of 2M blocks.

5% unlocked 1 points
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Quadruple Quest

Quadruple Quest

Pursue the quest to 4M unlocked blocks.

4% unlocked 1 points
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Octuple Odyssey

Octuple Odyssey

Embark on the octuple odyssey of 8M blocks.

3% unlocked 1 points
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Seventeen Savior

Seventeen Savior

Save the day with 17M unlocked blocks.

2% unlocked 1 points
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Block Quest

Block Quest

Achieve a groundbreaking 34M unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Grandmaster of Blocks

Grandmaster of Blocks

Ascend to 67M unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Block Miner

Block Miner

Become a legend with 134M unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Block Maestro

Block Maestro

Weave the magic with 537M unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Block Magician

Block Magician

Weave the magic with 537M unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Block Billionaire

Block Billionaire

Attain billionaire status with 1B unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Block Tycoon

Block Tycoon

Rule the block empire with 2B unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Block Quadrillionaire

Block Quadrillionaire

Enter the realm of quadrillions with 4B unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Block Epicenter

Block Epicenter

Stand at the epicenter of 9B unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Block Universe

Block Universe

Expand your universe with 17B unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Block Savior

Block Savior

Save the world with 34B unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Supreme Blockmaster

Supreme Blockmaster

Ascend to the supreme rank of 69B unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Block Master

Block Master

Unlock the genius of 137B unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Supreme Block

Supreme Block

Conquer the block world with 275B unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Block Odyssey

Block Odyssey

Embark on a block odyssey with 550B unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Trillionaire Tactician

Trillionaire Tactician

Strategize with 1T unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Double Trillion Trailblazer

Double Trillion Trailblazer

Blaze the trail with 2T unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Quadrillion Quest

Quadrillion Quest

Embark on a quadrillion quest with 4T unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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The Nine-Trillion Ninja

The Nine-Trillion Ninja

Hone your skills with 9T unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Eighteen Trillion Expert

Eighteen Trillion Expert

Become an expert with 18T unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Trillion Trail Master

Trillion Trail Master

Master the trail with 35T unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Seventy Trillion Savvy

Seventy Trillion Savvy

Showcase your savvy with 70T unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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The Trillionaire Titan

The Trillionaire Titan

Rise as a titan with 141T unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Trillion Tactical Master

Trillion Tactical Master

Master the tactics with 281T unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Block Odyssey Veteran

Block Odyssey Veteran

Veteran of the block odyssey with 563T unlocked blocks.

<1% unlocked 1 points
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