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Anagrammar Achievements

Unlock all 55 achievements

In Anagrammar, you strategically place letters on the game board to create interconnected words and...



Create a 7 letter word

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Create an 8 letter word

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Master of words

Master of words

Create a 9 letter word

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Create a 10 letter word

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Create an 11 letter word

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Create a 12 letter word

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Create a 13 letter word

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Hadrian's Wall

Hadrian's Wall

Create a 14 letter word

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Great Wall of China

Great Wall of China

Create a 15 letter word

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Coast to coast

Coast to coast

Create a 16 letter word

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Create a total of 1000 words

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Word Welder

Word Welder

Create a total of 5000 words

<1% unlocked 3 points
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Word Wizard

Word Wizard

Create a total of 10000 words

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Word Weaver Virtuoso

Word Weaver Virtuoso

Create a total of 25000 words

<1% unlocked 10 points
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Vocabulary Visionary

Vocabulary Visionary

Create a total of 50000 words

<1% unlocked 15 points
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Lexical Legend

Lexical Legend

Create a total of 100000 words

<1% unlocked 25 points
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Letter Learner

Letter Learner

Use a total of 1000 letters

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Alphabetic Architect

Alphabetic Architect

Use a total of 5000 letters

<1% unlocked 2 points
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Ten Thousand Typist

Ten Thousand Typist

Use a total of 10000 letters

<1% unlocked 3 points
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Character Captain

Character Captain

Use a total of 25000 letters

<1% unlocked 4 points
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Letter Legend

Letter Legend

Use a total of 50000 letters

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Alphabetic Alchemist

Alphabetic Alchemist

Use a total of 100000 letters

<1% unlocked 10 points
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Character Commander

Character Commander

Use a total of 250000 letters

<1% unlocked 15 points
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Letter Limelight

Letter Limelight

Use a total of 500000 letters

<1% unlocked 25 points
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Anagram Apprentice

Anagram Apprentice

Play 25 games

<1% unlocked 2 points
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Grammar Guru

Grammar Guru

Play 50 games

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Syllable Savant

Syllable Savant

Play 100 games

<1% unlocked 10 points
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Word Wanderer

Word Wanderer

Play 250 games

<1% unlocked 15 points
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Puzzle Poet

Puzzle Poet

Play 500 games

<1% unlocked 25 points
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Crossword Conqueror

Crossword Conqueror

Play 1000 games

<1% unlocked 50 points
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Baby swapper

Baby swapper

Use a total of 1 swaps

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Junior swapper

Junior swapper

Use a total of 5 swaps

<1% unlocked 2 points
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Swap Strategist

Swap Strategist

Use a total of 10 swaps

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Triple Swap Trailblazer

Triple Swap Trailblazer

Use a total of 25 swaps

<1% unlocked 10 points
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Savvy Swapper

Savvy Swapper

Use a total of 50 swaps

<1% unlocked 25 points
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Substitution Sorcerer

Substitution Sorcerer

Use a total of 100 swaps

<1% unlocked 50 points
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10K King

10K King

Score a total of 10000 points

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Nifty Fifty Navigator

Nifty Fifty Navigator

Score a total of 50000 points

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Quarter-Century Conqueror

Quarter-Century Conqueror

Score a total of 25000 points

<1% unlocked 2 points
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Centennial Champion

Centennial Champion

Score a total of 100000 points

<1% unlocked 10 points
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Two-Fifty Trailblazer

Two-Fifty Trailblazer

Score a total of 250000 points

<1% unlocked 15 points
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Five Hundred Frontrunner

Five Hundred Frontrunner

Score a total of 500000 points

<1% unlocked 25 points
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Million Dollar Baby

Million Dollar Baby

Score a total of 1000000 points

<1% unlocked 50 points
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Two-Day Triumph

Two-Day Triumph

Achieve a 2 day streak

<1% unlocked 1 points
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Three and Thriving

Three and Thriving

Achieve a 3 day streak

<1% unlocked 2 points
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Five-Day Fusion

Five-Day Fusion

Achieve a 5 day streak

<1% unlocked 3 points
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Week One Warrior

Week One Warrior

Achieve a 7 day streak

<1% unlocked 4 points
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Fortnight Force

Fortnight Force

Achieve a 14 day streak

<1% unlocked 5 points
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One month master

One month master

Achieve a 28 day streak

<1% unlocked 15 points
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Fifty-Day Fighter

Fifty-Day Fighter

Achieve a 50 day streak

<1% unlocked 25 points
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Golden Streak Guardian

Golden Streak Guardian

Achieve a 100 day streak

<1% unlocked 50 points
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Too hot to hoot

Too hot to hoot

Create a 5 letter palindrome

<1% unlocked 2 points
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No lemons, no melon

No lemons, no melon

Create a 6 letter palindrome

<1% unlocked 2 points
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Dogma? I am God

Dogma? I am God

Create a 7 letter palindrome

<1% unlocked 2 points
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Complete the tutorial

<1% unlocked 0 points
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