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IKUE Achievements

Unlock all 48 achievements

IKUE is a proud Unsung Heroes semifinalist A fun and challenging tile-puzzle for those who like hav...

Full Apprentice

Full Apprentice

Clear starter pack

<1% unlocked 15 points
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Share your score on Facebook/twitter

<1% unlocked 10 points
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Share your score 10 times on Facebook/twitter

<1% unlocked 30 points
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Clear a story level

9% unlocked 5 points
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Clear a story level with 2 stars

8% unlocked 5 points
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Clear a story level with 3 stars

4% unlocked 5 points
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Clear 10 story Levels

2% unlocked 10 points
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Enhanced Senses

Enhanced Senses

Complete story

1% unlocked 10 points
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Amazing sight

Amazing sight

Clear 10 story levels with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 20 points
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Amazing senses

Amazing senses

Finish all story levels with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 40 points
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Clear all starter levels with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 70 points
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Beginner Adept

Beginner Adept

Clear an Adept level

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Promising Adept

Promising Adept

Clear an Adept level with 2 stars

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Talented Adept

Talented Adept

Clear an Adept level with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Resourceful Adept

Resourceful Adept

Clear 10 Adept levels

<1% unlocked 10 points
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Agile Adept

Agile Adept

Clear 50 Adept levels

<1% unlocked 10 points
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Full Adept

Full Adept

Clear all Adept levels

<1% unlocked 15 points
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Amazing Adept

Amazing Adept

Clear 10 Adept levels with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 20 points
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Brilliant Apprentice

Brilliant Apprentice

Clear 50 Adept levels with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 40 points
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Ikue Adept

Ikue Adept

Clear all Adept levels with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 70 points
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Beginner Expert

Beginner Expert

Clear an Expert level

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Promising Expert

Promising Expert

Clear an Expert level with 2 stars

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Talented Expert

Talented Expert

Clear an Expert level with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Resourceful Expert

Resourceful Expert

Clear 10 Expert levels

<1% unlocked 10 points
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Agile Expert

Agile Expert

Clear 50 Expert levels

<1% unlocked 10 points
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Full Expert

Full Expert

Clear all Expert levels

<1% unlocked 15 points
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Amazing Expert

Amazing Expert

Clear 10 Expert levels with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 20 points
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Brilliant Expert

Brilliant Expert

Clear 50 Expert levels with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 40 points
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Ikue Expert

Ikue Expert

Clear all Expert levels with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 70 points
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Beginner Artisan

Beginner Artisan

Clear an Artisan level

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Promising Artisan

Promising Artisan

Clear an Artisan level with 2 stars

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Talented Artisan

Talented Artisan

Clear an Artisan level with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Resourceful Artisan

Resourceful Artisan

Clear 10 Artisan levels

<1% unlocked 10 points
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Agile Artisan

Agile Artisan

Clear 50 Artisan levels

<1% unlocked 10 points
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Full Artisan

Full Artisan

Clear all Artisan levels

<1% unlocked 15 points
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Amazing Artisan

Amazing Artisan

Clear 10 Artisan levels with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 20 points
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Brilliant Artisan

Brilliant Artisan

Clear 50 Artisan levels with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 40 points
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Ikue Artisan

Ikue Artisan

Clear all Artisan levels with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 70 points
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Beginner Master

Beginner Master

Clear a Master level

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Promising Master

Promising Master

Clear a Master level with 2 stars

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Talented Master

Talented Master

Clear a Master level with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 5 points
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Resourceful Master

Resourceful Master

Clear 10 Master levels

<1% unlocked 10 points
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Agile Master

Agile Master

Clear 50 Master levels

<1% unlocked 10 points
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Full Master

Full Master

Clear all Master levels

<1% unlocked 15 points
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Amazing Master

Amazing Master

Clear 10 Master levels with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 20 points
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Brilliant Master

Brilliant Master

Clear 50 Master levels with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 40 points
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Ikue Master

Ikue Master

Clear all Master levels with 3 stars

<1% unlocked 70 points
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Share your score 50 times on Facebook/twitter

<1% unlocked 60 points
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