Rummy + icon

Rummy + Achievements

Unlock all 25 achievements

Play the famous game of Rummy on your iPhone, iPod, or iPad!! Play rummy with 2, 3, or 4 players e...

10 Games

10 Games

Play at least 10 games.

24% unlocked 10 points
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50 Games

50 Games

Play at least 50 games.

11% unlocked 30 points
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100 Games

100 Games

Play at least 100 Games.

7% unlocked 50 points
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Win a game.

36% unlocked 10 points
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5 Victories

5 Victories

Win 5 games.

23% unlocked 20 points
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30 Victories

30 Victories

Win 30 games.

9% unlocked 30 points
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50 Victories

50 Victories

Win 50 games.

6% unlocked 50 points
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Win 2 games in a row.

28% unlocked 20 points
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Victories in a row

Victories in a row

Win 5 games in a row.

14% unlocked 50 points
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Do a Rummy.

39% unlocked 20 points
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Rummy x2

Rummy x2

Do 2 Rummy in a row.

22% unlocked 50 points
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2 Rounds

2 Rounds

Win 2 rounds in a row.

32% unlocked 20 points
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5 Rounds

5 Rounds

Win 5 rounds in a row.

14% unlocked 50 points
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Rummy x2 (Game)

Rummy x2 (Game)

Do at least 2 Rummy in the same game.

25% unlocked 30 points
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Finish a game with a zero point score.

14% unlocked 70 points
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Sequence (4 cards)

Sequence (4 cards)

Meld a sequence of 4 cards without joker.

52% unlocked 10 points
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Sequence (5 cards)

Sequence (5 cards)

Meld a sequence of 5 cards without joker.

44% unlocked 30 points
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Sequence (6 cards)

Sequence (6 cards)

Meld a sequence of 6 cards without joker.

35% unlocked 70 points
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Sequence (7 cards)

Sequence (7 cards)

Meld a sequence of 7 cards without joker.

26% unlocked 100 points
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Square of Aces

Square of Aces

Meld a set of 4 aces (without joker).

30% unlocked 30 points
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Square of two

Square of two

Meld a square of 2s (without joker).

12% unlocked 20 points
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Play a multiplayer game.

4% unlocked 20 points
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Play an online game (Game center).

2% unlocked 30 points
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Multiplayer victory

Multiplayer victory

Win a multiplayer game.

3% unlocked 30 points
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Online victory

Online victory

Win an online multiplayer game.

1% unlocked 50 points
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